11. What Is The Ttl (time To Live)? Why Is It Required?

TTL is a value in data packet of Internet Protocol. It communicates to the network router whether or not the packet should be in the network for too long or discarded. Usually, data packets might not be transmitted to their intended destination within a stipulated period of time. The TTL value is set by a system default value which is an 8-bit binary digit field in the header of the packet. The purpose of TTL is, it would specify certain time limit in seconds, for transmitting the packet header. When the time is exhausted, the packet would be discarded. Each router receives the subtracts count, when the packet is discarded, and when it becomes zero, the router detects the discardedpackets and sends a message, Internet Control Message Protocol message back to the originating host.

TTL(time to live) apart from determining the life time of a packet in a network also helps in avoiding the wastage of bandwith.

12. How Is Nine-patch Image Different From A Regular Bitmap?

It is a resizable bitmap resource that can be used for backgrounds or other images on the device. The NinePatch class permits drawing a bitmap in nine sections. The four corners are unscaled; the four edges are scaled in one axis, and the middle is scaled in both axes.

13. Explain Ip Datagram, Fragmentation And Mtu ?

IP datagram can be used to describe a portion of IP data. Each IP datagram has set of fields arranged in an order. The order is specific which helps to decode and read the stream easily. IP datagram has fields like Version, header length, Type of service, Total length, checksum, flag, protocol, Time to live, Identification, source and destination ip address, padding, options and payload.

MTU:- Maximum Transmission Unit is the size of the largest packet that a communication protocol can pass. The size can be fixed by some standard or decided at the time ofconnection

Fragmentation is a process of breaking the IP packets into smaller pieces. Fragmentation is needed when the datagram is larger than the MTU. Each fragment becomes a datagram in itself and transmitted independently from source. When received by destination they are reassembled.

14. What Is Sticky Intent?

Is there anyway to determine if an Intent passed into a BroadcastReceiver’s onReceive is the result of a sticky Boradcast Intent, or if it was just sent.

15. User-generated Content: Report Abuse Which Is The Better Phone – The Iphone Or The Droid?

The iphone 4 is better than any other phone. for one it is made out of the same material they use in helicopter and train windows.(atleas from what i haerd)another thing is that the iphone has a better app market. with over 300,000 apps it is far better than the droids 70,000. Also it comes with more accesories and has an antenna to provide better signal while the droid doesn’t. People say it has a bad connection but i think not since i have already used it. And last but not leats better resolution. it may have a smaller screen but still its graphics are better.so it all depends on you each one has its ups and its downs but i would go with iphone 4 over any phone especially the “all new droid x”.

16. How Long Does It Take To Build An App?

Depending on the complexity and how quickly you respond to us you could have an app built in about a month.

17. How Much Does Mobile Application Development Cost? That Is A Bit Like Asking: How Much Does A Truck Cost?

The answer is that it depends on the truck. Your needs are unique and your app needs to meet only those needs. A small Toyota will cost a lot less than a huge semi tractor trailer. A tractor trailer is great if you want to haul goods across the country but dont try to take it on a Saturday night date. We help you to avoid creating too much – or too little app. This keeps costs low.

Having us create a custom smartphone app is surprisingly affordable. Many businesses find their app costs less than even a small radio or newspaper campaign. Unlike a radio campaign, the app?s usefulness does not end with the last commercial. Once it is created an app can add to your bottom line for a very long time. Our goal is to connect your audience with your cash register no matter where they are. With a smartphone app you give your customers access to you at the exact moment their buying decision is the strongest.

18. Describe The Apk Format.

The APK file is compressed the AndroidManifest.xml file, application code (.dex files), resource files, and other files. A project is compiled into a single .apk file.

19. Is Sim Pin Code Working?

It’s supposed to be working, yes, but if you have ANY troubles please DISABLE SIM PIN in WinMo (SIM PIN works on the SIM, but you need WinMo UI to disable it)

20. What Is The Future Scope Of Mobile Application Developers?

Future of the mobile application development is bright.

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