Statistics of Bangalore Job Seekers Resume Database

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Social ChannelsWebsite LinkCountLast Updated
ResumesSubmit Resume Database11,400+ unique profiles17th March 2024
GoogleBJS-Alerts5,972+ Members17th March 2024
Facebook PageFB Page119,043+ likes17th March 2024
Facebook GroupFB Group55,000+ Members17th March 2024
Telegram GroupTelegram Group4166+ Members17th March 2024
Telegram BJS NewsNews Channel143+ Subscribers17th March 2024
TwitterTwitter Handle 461+ followers17th March 2024
LinkedIn (Only Recruiters)Linkedin network3,756+ connections17th March 2024
LinkedIn GroupGroup4579+ members17th March 2024
InstagramInstagram Profile1,799+ followers17th March 2024
WhatsAppWhatsApp Group506 Members17th March 2024