Below Entities are Approved by BJS as trusted Entities of BJS . These entities are allowed to use the name of BJS and it’s Registered Logo with permissions from BJS-Admin. If there are any legal queries, feel free to call Admin at 9439308689 or email at [email protected].
Entity Name | Entity Type | Entity Website | Location |
UTTARA INFO SOLUTIONS | Training Institute | | Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore |
MINDTREE | Company | | Bangalore |

Terms and Conditions to get BJS Approval
- Entity should have a Valid and Working Website.
- Entity Work Email should be verified by Admin.
- Valid Phone number verified by Admin.
- Entity should not be Blacklisted in BJS.
- Entity should have been listed as Genuine in BJS.
- In Website, all links should be working as expected.
- Entity should have a business WhatsApp account.